Enable and Disable GPOs with PowerShell

Post Updated April 13, 2015

I received a comment below saying the BSonPosh link to Microsoft was dead. It appears that Microsoft has retired the code modules. It also looks like they have a native PowerShell equivalent, examples of how to use it are here.

If you don’t want to modify the script to use the native Microsoft method, I do still have my original download of the modules. Here’s a link to the original BSonPosh modules BSonPosh.zip

Original Post Feb 19, 2011

We had a need to enable and disable groups of GPOs on a recurring basis and wanted to automate the process.

This script relies on the BSonPosh module. It also relies on the Windows PowerShell Group Policy cmdlets. The Group Policy cmdlets are on Windows 2008 R2 DCs, a server with the GPMC installed, or Windows 7 with the RSAT installed.

To use the script, create a text file with the name of each GPO that you want to control via the script. The script takes 2 parameters, whether to enable or disable the GPOs, and the name of the textfile with the list of GPOs.

	#Enabled or Disabled, whether you want the GPOs enabled or disabled
	[string]$GPOStatus = $(Throw '$GPOStatus is required'),
	#List of GPOs to enable/disable
	[string]$GPOList =  $(Throw '$GPOList is required')
	$GPO_DISABLED = "AllSettingsDisabled"
	$GPO_ENABLED  = "AllSettingsEnabled"
	#Change the specified GPO's GpoStatus property
	function SetGPOStatus( [string]$GPOName, [string]$Status )
		$gpo=Get-GPO $GPOName -server $PDC.ServerName -errorAction SilentlyContinue
		if ( $gpo -eq $null )
			write-host "Could not locate" $GPOName
			$gpo.GpoStatus = $Status
			Write-Host "Set"$gpo.DisplayName"to"$gpo.GpoStatus
	#Attempt to load a module with Import-Module
	function TryImportModule( [string]$ModuleName )
		if ( (Get-Module $ModuleName ) -eq $null )
			Import-Module $ModuleName
			if ( (Get-Module $ModuleName ) -eq $null )
				Write-Host "Unable to load module" $ModuleName
				return $false
		return $true
	# Microsoft module to manage Group Policy
	$retval = TryImportModule "grouppolicy"
	if ( $retval -eq $false )
	# Community module that will help retrieve FSMO roles
	$retval = TryImportModule "bsonposh"
	if ( $retval -eq $false )
	# Modify the GPOs on the server with the PDC Master FSMO role
	$PDC = Get-Fsmo -role "PDCMaster" -errorAction SilentlyContinue
	if ( $PDC -eq $null )
		write-host "Could not locate PDC Master"
	# Validate Status flag input
	if ( $GPOStatus.ToLower() -eq "disabled" )
		$SetFlag = $GPO_DISABLED
	elseif ( $GPOStatus.ToLower() -eq "enabled" )
		$SetFlag = $GPO_ENABLED
		Write-Host "Invalid value '$GPOStatus' for paramGPOStatus. Allowed values: [Disabled|Enabled]".
	# Ensure we actually have a list of GPOs in our text file
	if ( (Test-Path $GPOList) -eq $false )
		write-host "Could not locate"$GPOList
		$AllGPOs = Get-Content $GPOList
		if ( $AllGPOs -eq $null )
			write-Host $GPOList" is empty."
		foreach ( $myGPO in $AllGPOs )
			if ( $myGPO.SubString(0,1) -ne "#" ) #Allows comments in the text file
				SetGPOStatus $myGPO $SetFlag

Example usage: .\SetGPOStatus.ps1 -GPOStatus “Disabled” -GPOList “gpolist.txt”


  1. Joe Uselding

    Hello, I was wondering if this is still your current solution for enabling/disabling GPO’s? I could not longer find an installer for the BSONPOSH module, so I was wondering if you are still using this solution, or if you have come up with a different one?

    1. pkremer

      Hello, I have updated this post to answer your question. I don’t use it anymore as I’m in a different role now. But you should be able to get it to work with my update. Hope it helps!

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