Monitoring VMware Cloud on AWS maintenance with Notification Gateway webhooks – Part II

In my previous post, I showed how to monitor VMC maintenance events with a Slack webhook. You can review the previous post for full details on everything the VMC on AWS Notification Gateway can do. In this post, I will show you how to configure notifications with Office365. Office365 groups have incoming webhooks, meaning you can POST data directly to a URL and it will show up in the group. This is a great way to customize the notifications you receive in your inbox.

I first went to and created a new test group.

Edit the group settings.

Then pick Connectors

Now I add an Incoming Webhook

I name my new group, and I had the option to upload a customized image.

The webhook is created, I copy the URL.

Install the NGW PowerCLI modules if you don’t have them.

Install-Module VMware.VMC.Notification
Install-Module VMware.VimAutomation.VMC
Import-Module VMware.VMC.Notification
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.VMC

Connect to your VMC SDDC

$RefreshToken='[your token]'
Connect-VMC -RefreshToken $RefreshToken

Server                         User
------                         ----                 pkremer

Connect-VmcNotification -OrgName "VMC-SET-AMER-DEMO" -RefreshToken $RefreshToken

headers                                Server
-------                                ------
{Content-Type, csp-auth-token, Accept}[redacted]

I used the same Notification Events as the previous post. I create the payload, then create a new notification webhook.

$vmcSlackNotificationParams = @{
    ClientId = "vmc-sddc-slack-notification";
    WebhookURL = "[redacted]";
    NotificationEvents = @("VRTvCenterUpgradeCompleted","SddcSSLCertificationReplacement","SDDC-PROVISION","SDDC-DELETE");
New-VmcNotificationWebhook @vmcSlackNotificationParams

 user_id              : [redacted]
 user_name            :
 created              : 5/28/2021 7:09:58 PM
 version              : 1
 id                   : 215b7d54-[redacted]
 updated_by_user_id   : [redacted]
 updated_by_user_name :
 updated              : 5/28/2021 7:09:58 PM
 client_id            : vmc-sddc-slack-notification
 org_id               : [redacted]
 status               : ACTIVE
 web_hook_info        : @{callback_uri=[redacted]}

Now I use the Test-VmcNotificationWebhook function to send a test event

Test-VmcNotificationWebhook -id 215b7d54-[redacted] -EventID SDDC-PROVISION
Successfully sent test webhook and recieved acknowledgement

I check in Outlook and I received the notification!

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