There is a lot of confusion out there regarding the upgrade paths, the VCIX6, and underlying VCP6 requirements to achieve certification. The Certification folks are working on clarifying language on our website and accurate instructions for our customer-facing employees behind the alias.
I am writing this point from the standpoint of the Datacenter Virtualization exam, since that is the track that I am following for my VCDX attempt. If you’re in a different track, the same policy applies for your specific track.
- If you are brand new to the DCV track, you have to pass the VCP6-DCV exam. You can’t use a VCP6-DTM to start up the DCV track
- If you are a VCAP5-DCA, you can pass the VCAP6-DCV Design exam to achieve VCIX6-DCV designation
- If you are a VCAP5-DCD, you can pass the VCAP6-DCV Administration exam to achieve the VCIX6-DCV designation
- If you are both a VCAP5-DCA and VCAP5-DCD, you can take either the VCAP6-DCV Design *OR* VCAP6-DCV Administration exam to achieve your VCIX6-DCV designation
- Your VCP in the Datacenter Virtualization track must be valid (unexpired). VCAP5 holders with a valid VCP do NOT have to take the VCP6-DCV exam to sit a VCAP6 exam.
- Passing the VCAP6-DCV Design or Administration exam extends the expiration date of your VCP for 2 additional years
- Achieving the VCIX6-DCV designation will not give you the underlying VCP6-DCV certification.
- The VCIX6-DCV is the only prerequisite for VCDX. You DO NOT need a VCP6-DCV certification