VMware Event Broker Appliance – Part VI – Introduction to the Sockeye Service (Knative)

In Part V of this series, I introduced working with multiple Kubernetes clusters. In this post, I will introduce the Sockeye service.

When you need to write an event-driven function, the first thing to do is figure out the name of the event that you’re looking. William Lam has published a repo listing out all events for current versions of VMC on AWS and vSphere. Some of the events are obvious, but you don’t always know what you’re looking for. In that case, you want to trigger the event and watch logs to see what event fired.

There are two ways to do this – Kubernetes command line, and as of the v0.6 release, the Sockeye endpoint on the VEBA appliance.

Command Line

If you’ve followed the Part V post and configured your local workstation, you can do this remotely. Otherwise, SSH into the VEBA appliance. First, find the vmware-event-router pod:

C:\git> kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE            NAME                                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
 contour-external     contour-5869594b-jtb7p                        1/1     Running     0          23h
 contour-external     contour-5869594b-ls9vr                        1/1     Running     0          23h
 contour-external     contour-certgen-v1.10.0-k5hkm                 0/1     Completed   0          23h
 contour-external     envoy-brrpq                                   2/2     Running     0          23h
 contour-internal     contour-5d47766fd8-6fnsz                      1/1     Running     0          23h
 contour-internal     contour-5d47766fd8-g8gn9                      1/1     Running     0          23h
 contour-internal     contour-certgen-v1.10.0-fq28j                 0/1     Completed   0          23h
 contour-internal     envoy-rvc8h                                   2/2     Running     0          23h
 knative-eventing     eventing-controller-658f454d9d-sjgjf          1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-eventing     eventing-webhook-69fdcdf8d4-zg4qd             1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-eventing     rabbitmq-broker-controller-88fc96b44-s4q6x    1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-serving      activator-85cd6f6f9-tppk9                     1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-serving      autoscaler-7959969587-2bng5                   1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-serving      contour-ingress-controller-6d5777577c-gskv2   1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-serving      controller-577558f799-6hfwd                   1/1     Running     0          23h
 knative-serving      webhook-78f446786-t22jb                       1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          antrea-agent-k54gk                            2/2     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          antrea-controller-849fff8c5d-g9tzv            1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          coredns-74ff55c5b-5sbgk                       1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          coredns-74ff55c5b-9xfpm                       1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          etcd-veba03                                   1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          kube-apiserver-veba03                         1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          kube-controller-manager-veba03                1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          kube-proxy-fnzp6                              1/1     Running     0          23h
 kube-system          kube-scheduler-veba03                         1/1     Running     0          23h
 local-path-storage   local-path-provisioner-5696dbb894-pwwzm       1/1     Running     0          23h
 rabbitmq-system      rabbitmq-cluster-operator-7bbbb8d559-2bvdf    1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-functions     default-broker-ingress-5c98bf68bc-t2mbz       1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-functions     sockeye-65697bdfc4-6qlkr                      1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-functions     sockeye-trigger-dispatcher-5fff8567fc-p8v94   1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-system        tinywww-dd88dc7db-k4t4c                       1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-system        veba-rabbit-server-0                          1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-system        veba-ui-5f4d9ddcdd-q5pv4                      1/1     Running     0          23h
 vmware-system        vmware-event-router-ccdfdc67f-gwl45           1/1     Running     5          23h

Next, tail the pod’s logs. Note that the pod name will be unique to your environment.

The –tail=1 argument will show you only the most recent log entry, and the –follow argument will keep showing any new logs. –follow is essentially the same as tail -f in Linux. You could omit the –tail=1 argument, but the entire logfile will dump out to the screen before new events start scrolling.

C:\git> kubectl logs -n vmware-system vmware-event-router-ccdfdc67f-gwl45 --tail=1 --follow
 2021-06-03T20:39:41.486Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "9d29d2b3-faab-4b99-82be-56ae2034330d"}

I power on a VM in my vCenter, and a bunch of events

C:\git> kubectl logs -n vmware-system vmware-event-router-ccdfdc67f-gwl45 --tail=1 --follow
 2021-06-03T20:42:48.396Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "5d6fa120-e140-4e31-be2f-a35de2e18f19"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.166Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "e05c06da-4613-4c5c-8e1d-30f37f8b2ff0"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.166Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "e05c06da-4613-4c5c-8e1d-30f37f8b2ff0", 
 "subject": "TaskEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.249Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "e05c06da-4613-4c5c-8e1d-30f37f8b2ff0"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.249Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "a6e9f717-9fe9-41c0-be90-f4ef458296e0"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.249Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "a6e9f717-9fe9-41c0-be90-f4ef458296e0", 
 "subject": "TaskEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.250Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "a6e9f717-9fe9-41c0-be90-f4ef458296e0"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.250Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "27526c9b-afc5-42b4-bba0-7fb827622261"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.250Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "27526c9b-afc5-42b4-bba0-7fb827622261", 
 "subject": "VmBeingRelocatedEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:56.251Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "27526c9b-afc5-42b4-bba0-7fb827622261"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.005Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "92eff0e3-bf27-4ce1-b01e-38375ba8e1fd"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.005Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "92eff0e3-bf27-4ce1-b01e-38375ba8e1fd", 
 "subject": "com.vmware.net.lsport.connected"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.008Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "92eff0e3-bf27-4ce1-b01e-38375ba8e1fd"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.009Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "da859b34-b31c-43f5-8853-ec708d4829f8"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.009Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "da859b34-b31c-43f5-8853-ec708d4829f8", 
 "subject": "VmRelocatedEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.012Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "da859b34-b31c-43f5-8853-ec708d4829f8"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.012Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "816761ec-11b4-48d7-b6ca-58ca240c7d36"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.012Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "816761ec-11b4-48d7-b6ca-58ca240c7d36", 
 "subject": "VmStartingEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.014Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "816761ec-11b4-48d7-b6ca-58ca240c7d36"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.991Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "4f434b8d-6083-4377-9721-c400a8775355"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.991Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "4f434b8d-6083-4377-9721-c400a8775355", 
 "subject": "DvsPortLinkUpEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.992Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "4f434b8d-6083-4377-9721-c400a8775355"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.992Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "2135d297-016d-40a5-8a52-39d5c240f55d"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.992Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "2135d297-016d-40a5-8a52-39d5c240f55d", 
 "subject": "DvsPortBlockedEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.994Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "2135d297-016d-40a5-8a52-39d5c240f55d"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.994Z        INFO    [VCENTER]       vcenter/vcenter.go:304  invoking processor      {"eventID": "7090a265-a78d-481e-aa70-b79fda769dd4"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.994Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:180  sending event   {"eventID": "7090a265-a78d-481e-aa70-b79fda769dd4", 
 "subject": "DrsVmPoweredOnEvent"}
 2021-06-03T20:42:57.998Z        INFO    [KNATIVE]       knative/knative.go:192  successfully sent event {"eventID": "7090a265-a78d-481e-aa70-b79fda769dd4"}

8 different events fired as part of this power on task


Now we know that we can trigger our function on the DrsVmPoweredOnEvent


v0.6 of the appliance introduced the Sockeye project at the /events endpoint. Sockeye is a websocket-based cloud events viewer, a way to view a stream of events right in your browser.

To get started, browse to https://your-veba-url/events. It will start off blank.

Now I do the same VM power-on operation that I did before. The same set of events fire, we can see them all in Sockeye, including the entire formatted payload. You can now easily write your code to parse the event payload because an actual live payload is right there in your browser. I won’t screenshot all of the payloads, but here are a few.


If you already know the event you’re looking for, you can configure a filter to see only the relevant event. Pressing the menu button in the top left corner will bring up the events filter

I know that I want the DrsVmPoweredOnEvent – I filter on subject with a value of DrsVmPoweredOnEvent, then click Add Filter

The filter gets applied and now the only events I see in Sockeye are of subject DrsVmPoweredOnEvent

The inclusion of Sockeye in VEBA makes consuming event payloads simple!

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