VMC on AWS multi-edge scenario

In M12, we released the multi-edge feature in VMC on AWS. It is possible to oversaturate the NSX-T edge router under very heavy loads. If that happens, one way to resolve it is to deploy an additional edge pair to spread the load.

Traffic is routed to a specific edge node based on configuring traffic groups. Traffic groups are built using source subnets – your traffic is directed to a specific edge based on the IP address given to the VM in VMC on AWS.

Given the scenario:

VM-A =
VM-B =
VM-C =

We could create a traffic group for,,, creating dedicated edges for each VM. Multi-edge does get expensive as you burn 2 entire hosts worth of capacity just for the edge – one for primary and one for failover.

When you deploy the traffic groups as shown above, the route table in the connected VPC will show the following: => ENI1 => ENI2 => ENI3

This configuration does nothing to balance the load sourced from EC2 instances in the Connected VPC, meaning if we have 8 EC2 application servers that need to write to VM-A, they will all hit the same ENI – ENI1.

Any EC2 application server in the Connected VPC destined for VM-A will always use ENI1
Any EC2 application server in the Connected VPC destined for VM-B will always use ENI2
Any EC2 application server in the Connected VPC destined for VM-C will always use ENI3

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